Execution deadline in working days
Any person
Receiving restrictions

Get a service

You have the opportunity to receive information regarding the educational institutions and local government regarding the procedures by which children may apply for the educational institution:
-pre-school educational institution (group);
-elementary education institution;
-general secondary education institution;
-special educational institution;
-Municipal-based interest and professional orientation sports, music or art education institutions;
-vocational education.

Reception procedures shall be determined by the MK 2015, October 13 Cabinet Regulation No. 591, Procedures by which students are enrolled in general educational institutions and special pre-school education groups and deducted from them, as well as transferred to the next class. "

Process description

  1. Service requests
    Applying for an apprentice at the Gulbene Regional Educational Institution, you need to contact the selected head of education institution / director on a telephone or go to the chosen institution where you must write an application for admitting an educator in a particular educational institution.

  2. Receipt of services
    An educational institution or group chosen by the requesting authority, after examination of documents, issues an order for admitting a student in or outside the educational institution or group and informs the applicant of the service by a decision.

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